Foundations of a Healthy Diet – 2: Macronutrient Education

Clinical Naturopath Hannah Cunningham presents her second talk in her dietary education series. This talk answers your questions about food nutrients, what they are and why they are important. It looks at macronutrients vs micronutrients, carbohydrates, insoluble and soluble fibre, the three main types of fats, protein and amino acids.

Hannah Cunningham is an integrative and functional Naturopath with a deep understanding of nutritional biochemistry and routine pathology testing who works with her clients to identify the main drivers of what’s causing imbalance within the body. Hannah uses holistic case taking and pathology interpretation to determine the steps required back to optimal health. She will provide you with an individualised comprehensive treatment plan and tailored nutritional, herbal and dietary medicine. Hannah is passionate about being a facilitator in your health journey, providing education within her consults to help you understand your body and to empower you to be the best version of oneself through preventative health care.

Find out more about Hannah and her services here!